U.S. News ranks Emory University Hospital No. 1 and Emory Saint Joseph’s No. 2 in Georgia


For the ninth year in a row, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Emory University Hospital the No. 1 hospital in Georgia and metro Atlanta. Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital ranked No. 2 and Emory University Hospital Midtown ranked No. 5.

Riney Foundation gives $7.8 million to Winship for multiple myeloma research


The Paula and Rodger Riney Foundation's $7.8 million gift to Emory's Winship Cancer Institute will support fast-tracked research projects in multiple myeloma, a blood cancer caused by malignant plasma cells that accumulate in bone marrow.

Remembering John Lewis: A dear friend and inspiration to Emory


As the nation mourns U.S. Rep. John Lewis, his 2014 Emory Commencement address played in the Capitol Rotunda on Monday while leaders honored "the conscience of the Congress." View the address and learn more about Lewis' legacy at Emory.

Butterfly genomics: Monarchs fly differently, but meet up and mate


A new study from the lab of Emory professor of biology Jaap de Roode confirms that while the eastern and western butterflies fly differently, they are genetically the same.



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Emory community mourns passing of civil rights leader C.T. Vivian

Emory University announces fall semester plans


COVID-19 vaccine tested at Emory is safe, generates immune response, early results show

Emory statement on federal government rescinding policy change affecting international students

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  1. COVID-19 vaccine tested at Emory is safe, generates immune response, early results show
  2. Emory Healthcare opens COVID-19 drive-through testing site, patients seen by appointment only
    April 14, Emory University
  3. Emory statement on federal government rescinding policy change affecting international students
    July 14, Emory University
  4. Winning COVID-19 children’s books address facts, emotions surrounding pandemic
    May 18, Emory University
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    June 30, Emory University
  6. Emory launches national dashboard to help visualize COVID-19 disparities
    June 18, Emory University





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Research is an integral part of Emory, from the sciences to the humanities. Here’s a sample of recent grant awards across campus along with newly published research findings.



Through "virtual visits," videos, social media and other online experiences, staff in Emory's Office of Undergraduate Admission built a strong foundation for engaging with prospective students and their families during the pandemic and beyond.

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Acclaim: Recent honors for Emory faculty and staff

Emory faculty and staff are frequently recognized for their work locally, nationally and internationally. The following is a sampling of recent accolades, including appointments to professional boards and awards for outstanding research.


Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: Scientists say it's time to stop promoting the drug

手机修改ip为美国加速软件, July 30

What Obama knew about John Lewis

CNN, July 30

COVID-19 outbreak among Miami Marlins has Washington Nationals manager "scared"

CBS News, July 28

National security adviser Robert O’Brien positive for coronavirus

CNN, July 27

"We cannot wait until a public health crisis has caused monumental damage and touched every segment of our society until we make it our own."

- Emory President Claire E. Sterk on the opioid crisis
